Pupil Premium Plus - мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע


Pupil Premium Plus

Understanding Pupil Premium Plus

Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) is educational funding available to help close the progress gap between children in care and previously in care and their peers.

Why do these children require PP+?

Children in care and those previously in care have often had challenging starts and this funding is in recognition of the impact trauma and loss can have on a child’s life.

Who is eligible for PP+?

• Children who were adopted from care in England and Wales

 • Children who left care under a Residence Order / Child Arrangement Order

 • Children who left care under a Special Guardianship Order

Schools receive funding for children previously in care which is allocated directly to and managed by the school, and the onus is on the parent, carer or guardian of the child to make the school aware of this information so that funding can be applied. Please contact the designated teacher if you need to make the school aware of any child who is classed as previously in care for us to support you.


Looked after child Premium

Children in care also receive a ‘LAC premium’ which is managed by the designated virtual school. In order to plan the best support package and monitor its success мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע staff, social workers, staff from the virtual school and carers meet regularly to complete the child’s Personal Education Plan (PEP).

In Bristol it is preferred that a child is described as 'In Care' or 'Previously in Care' rather than 'Looked After' or 'Previously Looked After'.

How does my child benefit?

The DfE states the funding should be spent on helping previously in care children emotionally, socially and educationally by providing support to raise their attainment and address their wider needs. Pupil Premium Plus is not a personal budget for individual children. Please see our strategic document that highlights how this budget is spent to support students progress in school.

The ‘LAC premium’ for children in care funding is outlined in the individual Personal Education Plan.

There are a variety of ways to use this funding that could include:

  • Revision materials
  • English and Maths tuition
  • Essential school trips
  • Instrument lessons
  • Counselling
  • Careers advice, mentoring for GCSE, post 16 and post 18 choices
  • Duke of Edinburgh scheme
  • Transitions across key stages

As a school we are keen to work with parents and carers to identify other ways in which we can support their child and personalise their school provision.

Websites to support





Key contacts

Pupil Premium lead: Emma Young (Emma.Young@mhs.e-act.org.uk)

Pupil Premium Date  
04th Jan 2024 Download