Key Information - мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע


Student Health & Welfare

Our Head of Year & Student Welfare team provides the central provision for student welfare within the Academy. For contact details of key school staff please click here: Key Contacts

Person responsible for Medical Needs - Lead First Aider: Sharon Davies

School Business Manager: Vicky Fraser


To view the Trust policy for First Aid, please click on the link below to visit the E-ACT statutory policies area:


To report your child's absence, please contact the Attendance Team as early in the morning of each day of absence as possible. Please include your child's name, tutor group/class, the reason for their absence and the anticipated date of their return.


Regular attendance and punctuality to the Academy and to lessons is essential for all of our students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Attendance is a key performance indicator within the Academy. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Academy community to ensure they achieve this. The Academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reviews it weekly.

The Academy's Attendance Target is 96%.

Attendance over One Academy Year
If a student had:

98% attendance = fewer than 4 days absent from school
95% attendance = fewer than 10 days absent from school
90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school
85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school
80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school (Equivalent to one day per week absence for the whole year).
N.B. A child who misses a day of school per week throughout Years R – 11 misses an equivalent of over two years of their learning time in school

For further information relating to attendance and punctuality, including absence reporting please click here:

Attendance and Punctuality



The Academy also has a modern and comprehensive fire detection system.  Access to the main Academy buildings for staff, students and visitors is carefully monitored by the Reception team.

Identification badges and lanyards are issued to visitors and photo ID cards are also worn by all staff. The remainder of students in the Academy are identifiable by their Academy uniform.

School Nurse

Our school nurse is now offering 4 week support programmes for students experiencing mild difficulties. Parents and carers are invited to complete a referral and contact the service directly.

Please find here the criteria and the parental referral form. Please contact your child's Head of Year if you have any questions. 

Health and Safety

E-ACT aims to provide a safe and secure environment for our employees, visitors, students, and others who may visit our premises or use our facilities.

For our full Trust health and safety policy please visit the statutory policies ares of the E-ACT website.

Nut Free School


Fairlawn Primary School have recently had to make the decision to make Fairlawn not only a nut free school but an egg free one too. This is due to the severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) that one of the children will develop if they ingest or touch egg.

It is crucial that we all adhere to this policy to create a safe environment for our student and to avoid any accidental exposure to allergens.  Should anyone visiting Fairlawn eat egg before attending the site, they should wash their hands thoroughly.

Essentially, it is items which contain raw egg, where egg is the main ingredient or where it is still in 'egg form'.  Items where eggs are cooked into a product and not in an 'egg form' are ok e.g. cake.

Warm Weather Protocols

Following the UK Government’s 'Beat the heat: staying safe in hot weather' guidance, we have taken several measures to mitigate any risks related to thermal discomfort.

Here's what we've implemented:

  • Regular monitoring of weather reports to stay informed about temperature increases.
  • Thermometers have been made available to monitor indoor temperatures effectively.
  • Staff members are encouraged to report any concerns regarding temperatures promptly.
  • We're utilising strategies such as keeping windows open in cooler times and blinds closed to create shade as needed.
  • Additional fans have been distributed throughout the school.
  • For lessons involving physical activities, such as PE, schedules may be adjusted or modified as necessary.
  • Students will have access to the hall during break and lunch so that they can remain indoors.
  • We will relax the uniform requirements to allow students to wear their PE kits during an Amber or Red alert.
  • Drinking water is readily available throughout the day to ensure students remain hydrated.
  • We may also switch to cold dinners only to prevent heat exhaustion in the catering team.

Your child's safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we remain committed to providing a comfortable learning environment as we navigate through the summer months.


Whisper is an anonymous reporting service that allows members of our school community to tell us about any issues they have and reach out for support and guidance. It enables us to ensure that our students are heard and know that they have someone who can help them.

To report a concern, you will need to:

  1. Type or not type in your name. This can remain anonymous. 
  2. Click on the report type
  3. Type in your message, with names if needed
  4. Enter in your school email address if you want an anonymous chat

You can also text 07860021323, writing MHS3 and the concern. This will not reveal your number.

Report Harmful Content


If you've experienced or witnessed harm online Report Harmful Content can help.

can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms.

supporting Students with Health Needs 

For further information regarding how we support students with health needs receive the right level of support to enable them to maintain links with their education please click below.

Supporting Students with Heath Needs


Exam Stress

For help and advice in supporting your child with exam stress please click on the below link:

Supporting Your Child With Exam Stress



Title Date
  • Student Health & Welfare
    • 11/10/2024