Website Compliance - мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע


Website Compliance

As an academy, we are required by the Department for Education (DfE) to publish certain information on our website.

To assist you in finding this information, please see the table below of what we are required to publish and where to find it on our website. 

If you have any issues locating, accessing or downloading this information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Details

School Name Home Page footer School Name
Postal Address Home Page footer Postal Address
Telephone Number

Home Page footer

Key Information ->Key Contacts

Telephone Number

Key Contacts

Name of person who deals with queries from parents and the public

Home Page footer

Key Information ->Key Contacts

Home Page

Key Contacts

Name of our headteacher Home Page footer Headteacher
Name and address of the chair of the governing body    
Name and details of our special educational needs (SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO)

Key Information -> SEND & Inclusion

Key Information -> Key Contacts

SEND & Inclusion

Key Contacts

The following details for our trust:

  • Name of the academy trust
  • Company number of the trust
  • Registered office address of the trust
  • Part of the UK the trust is registered, i.e. 'England and Wales'

Home Page Footer

About Us -> E-ACT

Home Page


Admission Arrangements

How we consider applications for each relevant age group at your school

Key Information -> Admissions

V6 -> How To Apply -> Admissions 2023/24

MHS Admissions

What parents should do if they want to apply for their child to attend our school 

Key Information -> Admissions

V6 -> How To Apply -> Admissions 2023/24

MHS Admissions

How we offer places if there are more applicants than places

Key Information -> Admissions

V6 -> How To Apply -> Admissions 2023/24

MHS Admissions

Appeals process for applications including timeline

Key Information -> Admissions

V6 -> How To Apply -> Admissions 2023/24

MHS Admissions


School Uniform

Our published uniform code states:

Whether an item is optional or required Parent Information -> Uniform at MHS

Uniform at MHS

Makes clear if an item will only be worn at certain times of the year (for example, summer/winter uniform) Parent Information -> Uniform at MHS

Uniform at MHS

Makes clear whether a generic item will be accepted or if a branded item is required Parent Information -> Uniform at MHS

Uniform at MHS

Makes clear if an item can only be purchased from a specific retailer or purchased more widely Parent Information -> Uniform at MHS

Uniform at MHS


Ofsted Report

A link to the published copy of our school's most recent Ofsted report on the DfE website

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

Ofsted inspection report on DfE website

Ofsted and Performance


Exam and Assessment Results & Performance Tables

We include on our website links to DfE Key Stage 4 & 5 results & information

Progress 8 Score

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

Attainment in English and maths - percentage of pupils achieving grade 5 or above in CGSE English and maths

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

Attainment 8 score

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS)

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

The percentage of pupils that enter the EBacc

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

The percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (pupil destinations)

About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Ofsted and Performance

Key stage 5 (16-18) attainment

V6 -> About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Key stage 5 (16-18) retention

V6 -> About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables

Key stage 5 (16-18) destinations

V6 -> About Us -> Ofsted and Performance

DfE Performance Tables


School Opening Hours

Opening and closing times of the school and the total time this amounts to in a typical week Parent Information -> Timings of the School Day  Timings of the School Day



The content of the school curriculum in each academic year Curriculum, Subjects and Assessment -> Curriculum Overview -> Assessment and Reporting

Curriculum Overview

A list of the courses available to pupils at key stage 4 including GCSEs Curriculum, Subjects and Assessment -> Subjects Subjects
How parents can find out more about our school's curriculum Curriculum, Subjects and Assessment -> Curriculum Overview -> Assessment and Reporting

Curriculum Overview

How over time our school will increase the extent to which disabled pupils participate in the school's curriculum, as part of the school's accessibility plan

Key Information -> SEND & Inclusion

Key Information -> Equalities & Additional Intervention 

SEND & Inclusion

Equalities and Additional Intervention



Information about our policy and procedures for school attendance and punctuality Parent Information -> Attendance and Absence Attendance and Absence


Behaviour Policy

Details of our school's behaviour policy Key Information -> Belonging, Behaviour and Engagement Belonging, Behaviour and Engagement


Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

Details of our school's pupil premium grant strategy statement About Us -> Pupil Premium and Free School Meals  Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
Details of our school's review of the pupil premium grant strategy About Us -> Pupil Premium and Free School Meals  Pupil Premium and Free School Meals


Public Sector Equality Duty

How our school complies with the public sector equality duty, updated yearly Key Information -> Equalities & Additional Intervention Equalities & Additional Intervention
Our school's equality objectives Key Information -> Equalities & Additional Intervention Equalities & Additional Intervention


Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information

Published information report about the implementation of our school's policy for pupils with SEN Key Information -> SEND & Inclusion SEND & Inclusion


Careers Programme Information

Name, email address and telephone number of our school's careers leader About us -> Careers Careers
A summary of the careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme About us -> Careers Careers
How our school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils About us -> Careers Careers
The date of our school's next review of the information published About us -> Careers Careers


Complaints Procedure

Details of our school's complaints procedure Key Information -> Complaints Complaints


Governors Information and Duties

Details of the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees    
The full names of the Chair of the governing body and chair of each committee    
Info about each governor including name, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (in previous 12 months), who appointed them and their relevant business and financial interests (inc governance roles in other educational institutions)    


Financial Information

How many school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more About Us -> E-ACT

A link to Department for Education (DfE) Schools Financial Benchmarking page About Us -> Venturers Trust -> DfE Schools Financial Benchmarking


Charging and Remissions Policies

Our school's Charging and Remissions Policy Key Information -> Charging and Remissions Charging and Remissions


Values and Ethos

A statement about our school's values and ethos About Us -> Mission & Values Mission and Values


Request for Paper Copies

Information about how a parent can request a paper copy of the information on our site Home Page footer Home Page