Religious Studies - Subjects - мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע


Religious Studies

The Religious Studies Curriculum aims to provoke challenging questions about meaning and purpose and life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

In their study of religions and worldviews, students are taught about the principles, practices and values which make up a particular view of the world, and are given opportunities to learn from that particular perspective by evaluating which aspects may be valuable in their own lives.

Our curriculum follows the  in its aims and intent, and the content has been chosen to celebrate and reflect the diverse setting in which we live. It is relevant to all students whether religious or not. Our curriculum will provide students with systematic knowledge of a range of religions and worldviews, both religious and non-religious. Students will learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ. 

Religious Studies is uniquely placed to contribute to the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of students. The skills of self-reflection, empathy and dialogue which they develop will help them to participate positively in our diverse community and society. 

Every student is legally entitled to Religious Education as part of their 'broad and balanced' education. RS at MHS is inclusive and tailored to students from all religions or none. There is, however, a legal right to withdraw from RS in certain circumstances. If you would like to discuss the circumstances in which you may withdraw your child from Religious Studies lessons please contact subject leader Simon McBride -

Our Students Say:

"Learning about different ways to get to the truth is one of the best aspects of the course. You get to understand some of the most mind- altering ideas about God, religion and the world. It has unlocked part of my brain that I did not know I could use."

Years 7 - 9

Year 7
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • One God or many? Hinduism
  • What does it mean to take a faith seriously? Islam
  • Equality and community- Sikhism
  • Judaism in the Modern World

Year 8

  • The Big Story Rules and Freedom
  • What makes us Happy? Buddhism
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Morals in the modern world
  • Rastafari

Year 9

  • Is the media fair to religion?
  • What is reality? - Philosophy
  • What is religion? Sociology
  • Do we have a soul?
  • Why believe in God?
  • Morality in practice

Years 10 - 11

core religious studies

Ethics and Worldviews

This is a core programme delivered weekly in tutor time. Students will learn to look at a range of approaches, both religious and non- religious to ethical and philosophical issues and current affairs.

Year 10

  • Term 1B - What is worldview?
  • Term 2 - Rights and Responsibilities
  • Term 3 - Social Justice
  • Term 5 - Ethics in the News
  • Term 6 - Peace and Conflict and Shared Humanity

Year 11

  • Term 1 - Introduction
  • Term 2 - Crime and Punishment
  • Term 3 - Medical Ethics
  • Term 4 - The Environment
  • Term 5 - Religion in the News


AQA Religious Studies GCSE

Religious Studies GCSE is offered to all students as an option. We follow syllabus A and study the two religions of Islam and Christianity

There are 2 papers; Beliefs, teachings and practices, and themes

The themes studies are;

a) Relationships and families

b) Religion and Life

c) The existence of God

d) Religion, peace and conflict


Please click on the links below to download subject revision materials:

Everything you need to know 2021 (AQA) (powerpoint)


Recommended Revision Guides (powerpoint)



1 Key Words - Belief About God (doc)


2 Key Words - Afterlife (doc)


3 Key Words - Life of Jesus (doc)


4 Key Words - Worship and Sacraments (doc)


5 Key Words - Pilgrimage (doc)


6 Key Words - The Role of the Church



1 Islam Beliefs (powerpoint)


2 Islam Nature of Allah (powerpoint)


3 Islam Authority (powerpoint)


4 Islam Hajj and Festivals (powerpoint)


5 Islam Practices (powerpoint)


6 Islam Prayer (powerpoint)


Sixth Form

Please visit the V6 Sixth Form website for information about