English - Subjects - мÓÆÂÁùºÏ²ÊͶע



English is an essential core subject, which continues to be highly respected by universities and employers, and success in English has direct impact on progress and attainment across other subjects due to the focus on the key literacy skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. The A-Level Literature and A-Level Language courses are amongst the school’s most popular choices and the skills developed through the study of English are transferable to different subjects, career paths and everyday life.

In the English Department, we provide opportunities for all students to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The wide selection of texts, tasks and topics presented to students across the key stages ensures that there is always something to interest everyone. We pride ourselves on delivering an engaging and varied curriculum which is tailored to the needs of individuals and allows all students to achieve the very best. We have redeveloped our Key Stage Three curriculum to make it relevant to the school and reflective of the community and values we uphold; wherever there are opportunities to develop the diversity of our curriculum we look to take them.

We aim to ensure that our students are capable of thinking both creatively and analytically and we encourage them to make their own choices and work with independence wherever possible. Students enjoy being exposed to a range of texts and we develop their ability to write in different styles and for different audiences. The key to English is communication and we support students in learning to voice their own opinions, often in real-world contexts, with clarity and maturity.

Our academic teaching of the subject is supported by a wide range of extra-curricular activities and competitions which are hugely popular across all year groups.

Please follow the links for more detailed information on our programmes of study and extra-curricular opportunities.


The English Department has five designated classrooms, all of which are equipped with interactive whiteboards with DVD playback facilities. The Department has a very wide range of texts tailored to the needs of each Key Stage and students' needs. We also share the use of the Trevor Smallwood Theatre as a working studio with the Drama Department.


  • Spelling Bees
  • BBC School report
  • Poetry competitions
  • National Poetry Day
  • World Book Day
  • Young Writers competition
  • Mini Saga writing competition
  • Theatre trip



‘English is great fun, as reading introduces you to hundreds of amazing worlds and characters, and expands your vocabulary which you can then use in your own writing’ (Molly)

‘I love the challenge that English brings, such as tackling Shakespearian language when studying Macbeth’ (Amy)

Years 7 - 9

Year 7


Throughout Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), in addition to the topics listed below, we focus on developing the technical side of written English: e.g. using accurate punctuation, paragraphing, spelling and grammar. Students will have Literacy and Library lessons within the six fortnightly English lessons in Year 7 and Year 8. A guide to assessments and wider reading can be found under ‘Year 7 Student Outline’. 





  • Students begin by focussing on six core English skills which they will develop over the next five years.

  • Students then study ‘The Odyssey’, alongside developing their creative writing skills (please see attached topic outline).




  • Students read ‘The Other Side of Truth’ by Beverley Naidoo (please see attached topic outline).



  • Students read and perform parts of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare (please see attached topic outline).








  • Students read and analyse ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell and look at a variety of non-fiction texts.
  • Students also explore articles and develop their ability to write their own article.


  • Students consider creative writing by studying a range of extracts from diverse authors. Following this, students will build their own skill set and complete their own piece of creative writing. 


  • In this term, students will look at ‘Controversy and the Gothic’ - looking at how feature/article writing can be used to explore topical ideas, as well as studying Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ and the Gothic genre.




  • Students read and analyse ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare and complete two GCSE Literature essay style reading assessments: one based on an extract from the play and one based on the whole text. Students will also develop their Creative Prose writing skills.




  • Students read and analyse a GCSE level novel (e.g. ‘Jane Eyre’ by Charlotte Bronte; ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee; ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding). Please note these texts are not studied at GCSE, but are used as high-quality pieces of Literature.


  • In this term students will also complete an examination where they will compare two written texts, one from the 19th century and another from the 21st century.


  • Students will explore the ‘Power of Discourse’, exploring diverse poetic voices, creating a speech on a topic which inspires them, as well as looking at article writing.


Years 10 - 11

We follow the Eduqas English Literature course and the AQA English Language course at GCSE Level. Both courses are now assessed through 100% examination.



  • Students begin by studying a novel written before 1914; currently they are reading A Christmas Carol. English Language tasks are embedded in this unit of work; students use inspiration from the story to write speeches, formal letters, news reports and reviews.
  • Students study an anthology of eighteen poems from different time periods. They explore the themes and ideas presented in the poems as well as the context the poems were written in and the motivations of the poets.


  • Students develop their skills of analysis and comparison through studying a variety of poems in preparation for the Unseen Poetry section of the Literature examination. 
  • Students also study a novel or play written after 1914; currently they are reading Inspector Calls.


  • Students study non-fiction texts from different time periods (19th and 21st) They explore how language has changed and why.
  • Students also develop their creative writing skills through narrative and descriptive writing.   
  • Students finish the summer term studying Romeo and Juliet, focusing particularly on the first act. 



·         Students begin by studying ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in preparation for the Literature Examination. 

·         They also revisit non-fiction reading and writing and Unseen Poetry 


·         Students prepare for the English Language examination through reading 20th Century Literature and answering questions which test their reading skills. They also revisit creative and narrative writing. 

·         Finally, students will finish their GCSE course following a revision programme which prepares them for their summer examinations. This is tailored to the needs of individual classes and students.


To see specifications for AQA English Language and WJEC/Eduqas English Literature please click on the links below:


How to revise English


Sixth Form

Why study English Language?

The course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of how we use language and how this usage differs across age, gender, social groups, contexts and forms. You will develop your knowledge of how texts are constructed, investigate the areas of language study that interest you and create your own texts. You will need to find your own data, for example, interviewing people, recording and transcribing conversations, reading a variety of magazines, newspapers and work by different authors, looking at websites, adverts, text messages and tweets. You will consider the audience, purpose and form of these texts, explore the differences between speech and writing and discuss and present your ideas on how the writer has crafted a text. You will also discover theories about language acquisition, development and change. There are many opportunities to take an individual approach to the areas of language that you study, especially at A Level.

Future Pathways

Studying English Language is a particularly good preparation for any career direction that includes the need to communicate clearly in speech or writing and where you will need to demonstrate ability to understand complex texts. The focus on how people use language means this course is well suited to a career where social interaction with others is important – e.g. business management, teaching, speech therapy, or leisure and tourism.

Recent Exam Success

92% of A Level students in last year’s cohort achieved an A*- C grade, with 42% achieving an A* – B grade.

English Language – Course Information 

Revision Y12 English Language

Revision Y13 English - Childrens Language Development

Revision Y13 English - Textual Variations and Representations


Why study English Literature?

Obviously the first reason would be for enjoyment of the texts. The course you will follow covers a wide range of interesting texts drawn from all three genres: prose, poetry and drama. If you enjoy your English lessons, like reading, discussion and writing essays, then this may well be the course for you. There is much scope to choose your own texts to study for the examination and coursework units, especially at A Level. You will also be learning to express your thoughts coherently and logically. You will develop analytical skills that will be useful in any future study or career path. English will also enhance your success in many other subjects.

Future Pathways

English Literature is a facilitating subject that is welcomed by Russell Group universities. It is a particularly good preparation for any career direction that includes the need to communicate clearly in speech or writing and where you will need to demonstrate ability to understand complex texts – e.g. Law.

Recent Exam Success

100% of A level students in last year’s cohort achieved an A*- C grade, with 50% achieving an A* – B grade.

English Literature – Course information

Revision Y12 Othello with AOs

Revision Y12 Checklist – Assessment Objectives

Revision Y12 Checklist – Atonement

Revision Y12 Checklist – The Great Gatsby

Revision Y13 English P1 Section C Comparing Texts

Revision Y13 English P1 Section A Othello

Revision Y13 English P1 Section B Unseen Poetry

Revision Y13 English P2 Section B Drama and Prose Contextual Linking

Revision Y13 English P2 Section B Unseen Prose